one ounce of prevent is equal to one pound of medicine


Cinta Vs Cocok


I seriously think I should write this down
bcoz i feel obligated to do so
i told about me, and I immediately recognise where she's at....

I read an email from cosmo mailing list, and it's quite good to read.
ok, i lied.
it's a very good read, coz it gave me some kind of an enlightening =)) and an understanding of what i've been trying to understand (ribet amat ya nulisnya..)

it was called "cinta vs cocok"
honestly, I dont remember the details, and I dunno why, somehow I deleted the email !!
the point is...
the metaphor for this, is...
a house...or home.

example :
I love spacious homes, with large windows spreading from side to side, along with olympic size swimming pool plus a beautiful big garden with lili from here to there.
but, I dont FIT in this kind of homes. WHY?
bcoz, I dont like to take care of lili (gardening is not my thing), I just like looking at them. and I dont like cleaning my own drawer, let alone a big house!
if, somehow, I get this dream home, I may not take care of it well, unless I put xxxtra effort to hire a gardener, maid, etc... these xxxtra helpers may drag me down ( high cost, labor issue, etc).
in the end, I may be unhappy bcoz of the many things to do to maintain this big house. and, I would not like that house as much as I did in the first place, coz i have a LOT to think of just to take care of it.

for a lazy girl like me, the best pick would probably be a small yet stylish home, or an apartment. it's not big, yet it's comfy. I may not have a tulip garden to go with it, but I would feel happy to live there as it is less hassle. it's a place I look forward to come home to, after a long day of workin. u get my point? (nooooo...)

the point isssss....
sometimes what we love, isnt exactly the right thing for us.
i looove cold drinks, but they're not good for my health
i looooove bingeing on chips, but they're not good for my...
now u get what i mean?

the story made sense to me
one of the mistakes that i always did was thinking,'things will work out'
n d brutal fact is, it never did
it got worse and it's tiring

no, i'm not saying that you should get what fits you rather than get what you love.
hell, noooo....
I should always ask ourselves:
do I really need that?
can I maintain that?
do these things make me happy in the long run?
if mostly NO, then go get yourself a nice small car and a nice small house..

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